What we do
- Collections: mounting a campaign including letters, telephone calls and personal contact, designed to bring past due accounts to a current or paid in full status.
- Credit Investigations: credit history verification, employment verification, income verification, and residence verification.
- NSF Check Collections: employing similar strategies, collecting either cash, money orders or certified bank instruments in the amount of the bad check plus any services fees associated with the check.
- Skip Tracing: locating debtors who have moved or skipped town, as well as analyzing their resources and ability to pay.
- Collateral Skip Tracing: when items pledged as collateral against a debt disappear, we locate and determine the current value of these assets.
- Processing and monitoring bankruptcies.
- Account Purchasing: We will buy bad accounts that you and/or another collection agency cannot collect".
- Attorney referrel and subsequent follow-up on foreclosures and attorney accounts.
- Negotiations: in cases where legal action is not feasible, and/or it is reasonably determined that the debtor lacks the resources to pay in full, we will negotiate as complete a settlement as possible.
- Status Reports: monthly statements describing status and progress on each account assigned to us.
- Collection of deficiency balances after foreclosure.
- Reports to credit bureaus.
- Computerized collections.
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